Monday, October 10, 2011

No Excuses day tomorrow

If you are like me and you worked all weekend to pay the bills, I know how you feel.

The economy is at best holding par for those of you employed and not doing good for those who aren't. This is a crazy time with a day tomorrow that holds no excuses. The reason I say this is are we going to elect the same leaders on the Raleigh City Council. They have been contributing to the notion that government knows all. We all know it doesn't. But what the Raleigh City Council can do is recruit private enterprise to come here with the jobs we all need. The city council needs to control its debt and spending to so corporations that we can run our city in a way that demonstrates stability and growth.

When we have one incumbent Councilman Stephenson say in a League of Women Voters forum that jobs and the economy are not number one, we have a problem. When we have another incumbent Weeks voting one day against Red Light Cameras because he is mad at the city and then vote for them because they kissed up to him, we have a problem.

I want to go to the Raleigh City Council and help clean up the bull crap. Is is time to end the elitism and bring some real representation to District C. Saying that you are doing all you can is not acceptable, WE CAN DO BETTER. I will fight to bring the private enterprise to District C and Southeast Raleigh.

So NO EXCUSES tomorrow, first you have to vote and the way you vote will help determine the future of Raleigh and District C.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Election is Tuesday October 11th

I will be completing a campaign blitz on Monday the 10th.

Please pray for me for I hope to win or at worst case make it into a run-off.

It is important that we have every volunteer on deck for Monday and Tuesday. We need volunteers to walk neighborhood, make phone calls, and put out signs at the polls.

Our future is at stake Tuesday, will you help?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How do you feel about the Bonds on the ballot in October?

As reported in the Midtown Raleigh News the voters will have a chance to vote on two separate bonds.

On the Oct. 11 ballot, the city will ask Raleigh voters to approve $40 million in transportation bonds and $16 million in housing bonds. The items will be voted on separately.
Approval of both bond proposals, totaling $56 million, would translate into an annual property tax increase of $17.11 on a residential property valued at $188,139, the median-priced assessment for Raleigh homes.
Passage of just the $16 million housing proposal would mean an increase of $5.26 on an annual tax bill.
And to clarify any confusion whether you support these bonds of not, they will raise your taxes if passed. Please let me know how you feel. E-mail is

Costs of Government

In these tough economic times many people feel that government salaries and benefits are too high.

As reported in the Carolina Journal Online,

On some state-specific questions, Tar Heel voters polled slightly to the left of their national counterparts. For instance, 48 percent of respondents in the national survey said that public employee salaries should be frozen and benefits reduced to shore up state budgets, compared to 40 percent who believe the opposite.
We are carrying a $1.3 BILLION dollar debt in Raleigh with it having to be paid for in increased fees and possibly very soon increased property taxes. And yes I believe fees are taxes.

When elected I will fight for the needs of our citizens in Raleigh while fighting against the haphazard policy of spend, spend, and spend some more.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Walking Hedingham tomorrow at 1 PM

Saturday at 1 PM meet at 4549 Tollington Drive for a 2 hour walk in Hedingham. Walking with us will be At-large candidate Paul Fitts.

Raleigh District C's election has national implications

I want to thank everyone for stopping by and reading my Raleigh City Council District C blog. I want everyone to read this posting whether you fully support me or may have questions. Raleigh City Council C along with the many other electoral races will have national implications. In the next few weeks you will feel the effect of the state and national parties spending quite possibly over tens of million dollars state wide.

Let me be blunt, President Obama's campaign organization is making sure the Democratic Party has PAID staffers here in North Carolina. This should concern you if you feel that his policies along with many Democrats have been a failure. If you are worse off than you were three and even two years ago you need to carefully consider what I have said and what I stand for before voting for one of the other four candidates here in District C. Elected officials endorsements can carry weigth with uninformed voters both statewide and nationally. Your vote will affect what happens in 2010!

Though not a candidate in my race but for a at-large position on the Raleigh Council is Russ Stephenson. A Democrat, he actually told the League of Women Voters Forum that the economy and jobs are not the number one concern for all of us common folk. He is an endorsed Democrat and opponent of Paul Fitts. You can also see my answers to their questions as well as the other Raleigh municipal candidates.

Please get the word out to any of your friends and colleagues how important this election is. With a traditionally low voter turn out, your vote is magnified as much as 3 times. I ask for you help and your vote. Let's shock Raleigh and this nation.

Paul Terrell